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发布日期: 2023-03-10       状态: 结束

签到起止时间: 2023-03-07 15:45 ~ 2023-03-18 15:45
活动起止时间: 2023-03-07 10:00 ~ 2023-03-18 18:00
活动地点: 负一层大厅
活动总名额: 999999
浏览 : 1293   [点赞] : 2   [关注] : 0   [收藏] : 0


2022年GD Youth Link“粤友杯”广东国际青少年书画比赛由广东省人民对外友好协会、羊城晚报社联合主办,以“我的祖国(家乡)”“我的冬奥明星”及“和平友好”为主题,面向广东省21个地市及其国际友好城市、友好组织所在地区的中小学青少年征集绘画及书法作品,通过书画创作的形式,推动海内外青少年间的文化交流。


2022 GD Youth Link“GD&U Cup”Calligraphy and Painting Competition, co-organized by Guangdong People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and Yangcheng Evening News Group, was open to primary and high school students from Guangdong Province, its 21 cities, as well as the sister provinces/states of Guangdong and the sister cities of the 21 cities. The foreign friendship organizations Guangdong has been working with also played an important role in inviting local students to participate in this event. The themes of the event are My country (or My hometown), the Winter Olympics Stars and Friendship. Students were required to create their artwork around these themes.

After three months, the Organizing Committee has received nearly 2000 pieces of calligraphy and painting works from 17 countries of 4 continents. The Review Panel has conducted careful and meticulous evaluation on them and 1329 pieces of works were awarded with prizes, including 265 pieces of calligraphic works and 1064 pieces of paintings. 407 outstanding paintings and calligraphy works of the first, second and third prizes are exhibited this time.


